Another Imperial City is Marrakech, founded in 1062...
...the Koutoubia Mosque (1147 and onward) is the largest in town.
True to form, the old center city Medina is walled with narrow gates.
Here too many old residences have found salvation by becoming guest houses.
From its roof top terrace can be seen the ever closer High Atlas mountains...
...and of course the neighbors' roof tops and satellite tv dishes.
Unlike Fès, motorbikes are allowed in the narrow passageways, making Fès a much nicer experience.
However the display of goods for sale is just as delicious.
And the historic structures just as plentiful (or more???). The Medersa (Koranic school) Ben Youssef (mid-15th C. onward) was the largest of its kind in Northwest Africa. It was closed and refurbished in 1960 to be a historic (read tourist) site.
Behind this active mosque, are the...
...Saddian Tombs, dating from the late 16th C. to the 18th C.. Considered among the finest example of Islamic architecture in Morocco.
This lush entry is to one of the finest Western architectural places: ...
..the gardens and ...
...home/studio of the French artist Jacques Majorelle, designed in the 1930's by Paul Senior.
It was sold in the '50's and fell into disrepair until, in the 1980's, it was bought by Yves Saint-Laurnet and Pierre Berge, who restored the buildings and gardens. YSV's ashes were scattered in the garden along with this monument.