Once again on the road with CTM to Essaouira, ...
...a walled city on the SW coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Although dating back to Phoenician settlements of the 7th C. BCE, the city was firmly established in the late 1700's...
...when the fortifications and this Porte de la Marine were built.
It still is the gate to the port, and fishing still is....
...a major activity, both commercially as well as...
Thus ship construction and...
...repair actives abound.
Long on the international tourist radar, it has all the necessities, but it is no way overwhelmed.
One is more apt to be accosted by a cat ...
,,,than by a vendor, or a restaurant tout.
Waterfront restaurants are plentiful.
as are barbers.
And then a last evening on the roof deck, watching for ...
... the Green Flash! ...
... and its au revoir to Morocco.